Someone said you are out of business. Is that true?

  • Rivera Primo is in the parts business for Harley Davidson Motorcycles and has no intention of leaving the industry.
  • We have shifted our focus to belt drives and clutches, but still carry a substantial amount of parts.
  • Check out our online catalog where a majority of our parts can be purchased. If you are having trouble finding a part, contact us and we'll help you out. 

Why go with Rivera Primo?

  • Rivera Primo is not just a parts company. It is always working on being at the cutting edge of tuning, stiffening, shifting, and accelerating Harley Davidsons across the world.
  • We provide in-house customization of the products that you want.
  • We are not here to buy from one end and resell for higher prices. We are here to inspect and customize the parts using our knowledge and machinery, adding value to your bike.

Does Rivera Primo offer free shipping to Dealers?

  • Rivera Primo absolutely does offer free shipping to dealers on any Domestic order over $500.
  • If you would like more information on the qualification to be considered a dealer, please contact us and a sales representative will reach out to you shortly. 

The cost of some products has increased dramatically. What gives?

  • The Company is focused on quality, customization, and adding value to the parts for your bike.
  • We don't want to be known for being the cheapest out there, but rather the most reliable.
  • If there is a significant price differential that you are noticing for a part, please contact us and share these details so we can reevaluate the pricing.
  • A reason for a pricing differential from competitors is the quality of the aluminum. Rivera Primo's experts review where the aluminum originated (country) and its purity. We want only the best for your bike and our name.